Tuesday, June 30, 2009

= Let mE sHare soMe pHotos heRe =

first of all.. introduce a soh lou named PinG to u all..
hahax.. the first photo is him lur..
then the 2 girl no need say la.. is me.. YuMi.. =)
one is last time dinner took de..
one is last time before go work took de..
LOL.. macam so lame saja..
hahax.. why am i sudden post these here ?
because.. a soh lou so free edits photo there..
then send me wor.. i free then ma post here lo.. =P
and down there's photo is last friday took de..
just post for syok only.. XD

and this is the last one..

what can u guys see ?
i can see that.. ...
my phone camera so 差劲..
LOL.. ~ ~